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What I offer to those who register


Free Membership allows you access to the Sword of the Spirit: The Rule of God Course and a further 10 courses from great Christian speakers and teachers.

Standard Membership of my on-line training platform gets you access to all the Sword of the Spirit podcasts – 288 programmes of teaching – all broken down into 30 minute segments covering all the 12 themes.

The SOTS programme comes with a text book, student guide, quizzes, knowledge reviews, power points and twenty-four 30-minute segments of podcast teaching.

The beauty of it is that you can WORK AT YOUR OWN PACE

You don’t have to go anywhere, just do it in the comfort of your own home, or on the go, as you travel to your place of work, in your lunch hour – anywhere you have access to a computer or smart phone.

You can choose which themes you do – all 12 or a selection of the topics you are passionate about.

Also, you have preferential access to all the new courses coming online – including my latest course, The Power of Encouragement, an introduction to Christian relational-counselling.

You have FREE access to a whole range of teaching and training updates

Members receive, absolutely free, my e-book Anointed To Serve to begin to experience the Gifts and the Power of the Holy Spirit, and take God’s healing love to the hurting world in which we live.

Premium Membership includes all the benefits of membership. But, you also get exclusive access to training by Colin Dye on the Serve and Equip Expanding Influence™ model. A hands-on approach in which I teach you to teach others to teach others. That way your influence expands and keeps on expanding.

With that you get me as a Mentor, Trainer and Guide with up to 10 sessions a year, live with me, including 5 one-to-one sessions.

Premium members also receive, absolutely free, my e-book The Fivefold Ministry so that they can immediately begin to position themselves among the five ministry gifts of Christ – apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, teacher – and also begin to discover the motivational gift the Holy Spirit has already placed inside them.





A number of courses are free, but I offer both a STANDARD MEMBERSHIP and a PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP of my online training programme.
Compare the full costs with the special introductory offers below. The prices below are quoted in GBP currency (British Pounds).


One year MEMBERSHIP for £9.99 monthly OR annual payment of £99.90.
One year PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP for £75.98 OR annual payment of 540.78

Level Price  
Free Free. Select
Monthly Standard Subscription £9.99 now and then £9.99 per Month for 11 more Months. Select
Annual Standard Subscription £99.90 per Year. Select
Monthly Premium Subscription £75.98 now and then £75.98 per Month for 11 more Months. Select
Annual Premium Subscription £540.78 per Year. Select